
Become a monthly donor

Monthly donations enable supporting migrants in a planned and equal fashion, and secure our long-term work to defend their rights. You can freely choose the amount of the monthly donation and set it as a monthly transaction in your netbank. Even small donations are gratefully received.

Make a single donation

With a single donation you can support the work of the association with any sum you wish. You can also direct the incomes of for example a birthday fundraising to the association. In this case, please contact us in beforehand in order to agree how to proceed: vapaaliikkuvuus[at]

The easiest way to donate is through a money transaction to the account of the association. Please use the index number.

* Account number: Aktia FI03 4055 0010 7993 16

* Index number: 33019

Donations by will

You can designate a part of your assets to be passed on to Vapaa Liikkuvuus ry (Free Movement). We are thankful to receive any cash donations, small or large. However, we cannot accept estates or other types of donations that involve tax duties. Donations will be directed to general support for migrants, action taken for freedom of movement, or a target of your choice. If you want to designate your donation to a specific target, please contact us when you are drawing up your testament. That way, we can make sure that your donation will be used according to your wishes.

How to draw up a testament?

A testament is a document determining to whom and how you want your property to be distributed after you die. If you have not drawn up a testament, your property will be distributed according to the order of succession or, if you do not have any direct descendants, your property will be abandoned to the state. If you have direct descendants, they are always entitled to a lawful share. It means that, regardless of a testament, they are entitled to half of the value of the share they would have inherited without the testament. By drawing up a testament, you can decide what happens to your assets after your death.

You can draw up a valid testament by yourself. The testament needs to include the date of signing, and you need two qualified witnesses to simultaneously attest to you signing the document. However, to ensure that the testament is legally binding and fulfills all the formal requirements, it is advisable to consult a lawyer. Legal affairs offices and law offices can help you with drawing up a testament.

How do we use your donations?

Free Movement (Vapaa Liikkuvuus ry) association helps migrants who have landed in a weak position, such as asylum seekers, undocumented and roma migrants. We use the donations either directly for e.g. health care fees, visas and residence permits, travel costs, as well as for food aid, or to create campaigns for migrants’ rights.

If you want to support our work in other ways, you can join Free Movement Network’s activities for migrant’s rights.

Information about the licence to collect money

Licence admission: The police board, 12.02.2021

Licence recipient: Vapaa Liikkuvuus ry, Y-tunnus: 2518478-2

Licence number: RA/2021/154

Executive time and place: The licence is valid valid until further notice in all of Finland, except for Ahvenanmaa/Åland.


Become a support member

Vapaa Liikkuvuus ry is an association established in order to support the activity of the Free Movement network. All who support the purposes of the association are welcome to become members.

The yearly membership fee is 50 euros and 20 euros for those with a limited income. A three year membership is 100 euros, a five year membership is 200 euros, and perpetual membership is 500 euros.

When paying, please add your full name, address and email to the message field. If it’s not possible to both add an index number and a message, use the index number and send us your contact information by email to vapaaliikkuvuus[at]

Associations and communities can also become members. The membership fee for associations without employees and yearly sales under 25 000 euros is 50 euros. The fee is 100 euros for an association with a part-time employee; 150 euros for one with a full-time employee, and 200 euros for associations with several employees or yearly sales over 50 000 euros.

* Account number: Aktia FI03 4055 0010 7993 16

* Index number: 33035

* Message field: Name, address and email.